Did you ever think that right now in your life is where you would be? Did you ever imagine when you were 16 that by 26 you would have 2-3 kids, a house, and all the responsibilities that come with life hitting you square in the face each morning you wake up? Those little things like gas, food, coughs and runny noses would be daily concerns? Do you sit back and wonder if this is where you were supposed to be? Did we really have control on getting here? Are we happy enough with here that we don’t step outside our little enclosed lives to see what else is out there? I came to a realization at work the other day. I love being a nurse, but I have settled. Settled into a position that I don’t really enjoy; I love the patients but I want to feel that what I am “doing” means something. I want to push my mental capabilities, I want be able to use the knowledge I have to help people. I would love, just love to be a flight nurse. But I think I could settle for the ER or ICU. My small little hospital doesn’t offer much for choices, but unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that now. But I truly think I am ready to leave my comfortable little bubble and push myself into something a little more challenging. Maybe I am just a person that has to change something, anything every so often. I know that I have a cardiac rhythm book in the room and I think I am going to buckle down and study up, possibly get my ACLS certification and hopefully make a career move soon!

At 10:47 PM,
i just graduated from college, and real life really stinks! im not definitely not as happy as I used to be and I think most of it started in the past two years or so. But wow, I can't really compare to having kids and mortgage payments and stuff. But I think it is really wonderful that you can take on those types of responsibilities at 26. Kudos to you!
I think I might be to old and have a odd relation ship with you to be counted as the 3ed kid.