Wednesday, January 02, 2008

This last year has brought so many changes, so many emotions, and a few things that stayed the same and will never change. Lately I have had a hard time thinking about life. Things that we want, things that I want. I miss living down state; I miss our friends a lot. Some times I feel so disconnected up here. On the other hand there are many pluses. We are not as stressed as we were down there. We have a house, which I don’t like too much, but hopefully we can start making the changes we want to it. I definitely wish there were more stores than Wal-Mart close by. I live in a town that doesn’t even have its own grocery store. And Wal-Mart is 20 minutes away. But it does cut down on the spending issues. I really wish that we had stayed closer with many of our friends. I recently got back in touch with a long time best friend whom the last time I talked with her was at my wedding. They just celebrated the birth of there daughter 11-1-07. I am so happy for our friends Rob and Jamie who welcomed their daughter recently as well. I just wish we lived closer so that we could stop by and visit. Up here the only visitors that we regularly see is my husbands parents and I don’t know how much more I can take with them living two doors down. What the hell was I thinking? I wish we could sell this house and move to a house with more property like we wanted. I think I really need to win the lottery. That would help solve many problems. But I have never been that lucky. Then I begin to think that I am just selfish. I shouldn’t want so much. I should be thankful to just have a house of our own, a good job, a loving family, (ooh and the Wii my daughter got for x-mas!) We have been having a lot of fun playing games together. New Years Eve we spent almost 5 hours playing Mario Party 8. A little too long but still a lot of fun. My oldest had a hoot drinking non-alcoholic wine; she liked how it bubbled in her tummy. I hope you all had a good holiday season!

posted by Peaj at 12:29 AM |


At 9:01 PM, Blogger Steph

I hope 2008 is a wonderful year for you.xx


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Peaj

Thanks Steph! I hope you have a wonderful 2008 and that you find your shoes!