Sunday, October 28, 2007
What a weekend...
Well Friday morning we took our dear tiny Abigail
to the family doctor that the rest of us see, we will call her "M". We are very concerned that she just doesn't seem healthy, she seems so frail and tiny. We don't want anything to be wrong, but we just feel something is not right. After two previous doctors looked at her and said "It's just colic, she will gain weight". Well we took her to "M" anyway. Well little miss Abby weighed 9lbs7.7oz at birth, she currently weighs 9lbs10oz. so "M" looks her over real good, she is worried about the dusky look around Abby's mouth, says her heart is beating a little to fast for her age, her head control and tracking is a little delayed. Finally someone who sees what we see without us telling "M" what to look for. She gave us just what we wanted, a referral to a different pediatrician and an 830 am consult with a pediatric cardiologist Monday morning. He is going to do an echo just to make sure her heart is okay. The nice thing is we were told that we wont have to wait for the results of the test he tells you right there what he sees and if everything is good. I have to imagine that is a huge relief to not have to wait. So that is were we are heading Monday morning, Kaylee is staying down at the grandparents and we are leaving at 545 in the morning. "M" sent us for some blood work Friday morning a TSH, Blood sugar, and a CBC. Then I guess she called doctor "O" ( the pediatrician) and told him about the referral and the labs. So at 4pm Friday afternoon, "M"'s office calls and tells us that he is very concerned about her weight and that he wants us to take her to WB ER and then probably be transferred to Covenant, and that they will call the ER and let them know why we are coming. Well we do our part and drive Abby into WB ER, but they have no clue why we are there well 4 hours later and the stupid ER unable to track down any doctor that might have a clue what is going on, we come back home. So frustrating... anyways I guess its a good thing because on saturday we did the community Trunk or Treat. We decorated our trunk ( well hubby did)

What a lot of fun Kaylee had. Hubby and her dressed up to match!
There was free chili and hot chocolate, and a small bonfire. Kaylee came home with a nice batch of candy and a coupon for a free kids meal at the new restaurant here in town. So today we went there for dinner tonight and it was really good food. I would compare it to Max and Erma's downstate, but right here in our little town of St. Helen.
What a lot of fun Kaylee had. Hubby and her dressed up to match!
There was free chili and hot chocolate, and a small bonfire. Kaylee came home with a nice batch of candy and a coupon for a free kids meal at the new restaurant here in town. So today we went there for dinner tonight and it was really good food. I would compare it to Max and Erma's downstate, but right here in our little town of St. Helen.
So we are a little anxious about tomorrow but we are pretty sure that everything will be fine, we just want to find out if there is anything wrong and why she isn't gaining weight. I will hopefully be able to come home and say that her heart is just fine, now lets move on to the next possible cause and rule that out!
Wow, looks like the Trunk or Treat was fun. I'm keeping Abby in my prayers. I love the last photo as Kaylee and Abby look so happy, and Clara is giving the evil eye....
On another note, I can't believe how much Kaylee is growing. Every picture I see of her amazes me. I miss you all.