Monday, November 26, 2007
Well I guess I am not posting as much as I would like, the days just seem to fly by. I cant believe that it is my birthday today, I received so much love and the greatest gifts. THANKS EVERYONE! I had a pretty good Thanksgiving, a lot of good food. It seems that in the last month or so I have forgotten to update about Abby. Things went pretty well, the echo showed that her heart was perfectly normal, thank god! But the doctor, "M" sent her to Hurley, we were there for three days (two) nights, they ran more test, everything came back normal. Wonderful! But why wont she can weight? So they increased her calories so when we mix the formula instead of 8 scoops to 16 ounces we mix 9. So a week and a half later she was at 10lbs5ounces from her 9 pounds 6ounces at the hospital. Yeah, a whole pound almost. And she feels like she is gaining more. But in the pictures you cant really tell. She is fuller in the face, and her legs and arms are more bulky. We don't feel like we will break her when we pick her up.

This is pre-increased calorie

This is two weeks after the increased calories
Yeah I dont really see a lot of difference but to pick her up you can tell she has gained weight. The new pediatrician that we are seeing started her on Zantac. It is working great! No more endless screaming, she is happy to be in her bouncer or swing. And we got on of those bumbo's (THANKS MOM!). I hope that everyones holiday season started off well and continues to be well!
This is pre-increased calorie
This is two weeks after the increased calories
Yeah I dont really see a lot of difference but to pick her up you can tell she has gained weight. The new pediatrician that we are seeing started her on Zantac. It is working great! No more endless screaming, she is happy to be in her bouncer or swing. And we got on of those bumbo's (THANKS MOM!). I hope that everyones holiday season started off well and continues to be well!
I'm glad everything worked out well. Happy Birthday.