Tuesday, February 05, 2008

So I realize that I am really bad at posting but really nothing has been going on. I miss talking with all my friends, but really I feel like I am losing touch with them, if I post or not. I am finally over a super bug that lasted from Christmas till about 5 days ago. Chuck has been sick off and on, same with the girls. Abby is currently the sick one she has a fever and a cough. I just hope that we all stop passing it around soon. Work has been okay I like my job, but the hospital that I work at is supposedly in the red so they have been working use at bare minimum and talking about laying off our aides. I have been thinking about switching jobs, currently trying to get into home care, but the position is more of a Charge nurse position, whatever that means. A friend of mine went to work there and he told me about the position. It is a M-F 9-5 kinda thing, no weekends or holidays. Pays better with better benefits. So I don't really see a down fall to it. Even though I get 4 days off a week I am so tired that most of it is to catch up to having energy. So a 9-5 I would be here when Kaylee leaves and get home a little after her. Hopefully it will work out, just not sure if I will miss the bedside care.
Abby is doing better with her weight. Last time she was weighed two weeks ago she was almost 13 pounds! She is such a little princess too. She knows what she wants and she will let you know if your doing something she doesn't want! Kaylee is doing really good in school. Her teachers say that she is doing really really good academically. She is such a great kid and a great big sister. See not much to really post about but that is a little update on what had been going on!
posted by Peaj at 11:02 PM |