Saturday, November 22, 2008
Time seems to just fly by. I never have much to talk about. Not that anyone but a select few of my friends even check this page. Even on myspace I don't seem to post much. Maybe I just don't know how to write what I want down. I know that I am really bummed out a lot. I really wish financially things were different. I am excited that Chuck is starting school but it's still not a second income. But we have always gotten by. We have gotten through worse. Kaylee asked me this year if Santa was really really real. Now I normally just said that it's what she believes in. Well this year she asked me to not lie to her so I told her no but the idea of Santa is there, the giving and caring. But she also knows that this year is not going to be extravagant. Thankfully Abby is still young enough to not know the difference between receiving clothes or toys. She'll be getting clothes mostly. I have been trying to sell off some stuff on craigslist but have had no luck with that. I was hoping to get a little extra christmas money. Oh well eventually it will be sold or donated. Those are the top things on my mind right now there is soooo much more just floating around in there, maybe I will start to put pieces of it down.
posted by Peaj at 9:45 PM |