Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Ok I need a new topic for my page, the present one is to depressing anymore, anyone have any ideas? I want one of those really cool, nice to look at pages but of course I have no clue how to do that.
posted by Peaj at 5:00 PM |

Maybe each day you could pick a subject and elaborate upon it. It could have nothing to do with your life. Just pick something at random. Like...lightbulbs. Or shag carpet. You could post funny sex-on-shag memories, or the idea of drinking a whole bottle of cough syrup and becoming obsessed with the individual fibers. Site design, hrm...I'll ask Garvin if he has any layouts sitting around he'd like to give up. He makes hundreds of them and doesn't use half of them.
Topic or site design?
Topicwise, you could talk about any number of topics. You could talk about books you have read recently, and maybe correllate them to your life... Or music and your interpetaions of songs and lyrics...
As far as site design goes, we could sit down and talk about it, maybe draw up some ideas and the likes.