Wow. I was all set to write a really great comment and tell you all about how much money problems and depression suck.
Joe took all my ideas. But especially about the pregnancy. It is NONE of my business, but with the worries you have already, would now be the time to bring another child into that? Debt is hard to come out from under, this I know. But it sounds like, right now, another child would not help you in the least with that.
Gosh, I hope that doesn't sound mean spirited. Keep your chin up. Everything is ok in the end. If it's not ok, then it's not the end.
Joe- Thank you for your wisdom again you know I just go through episodes and get down. I have limited my spending money at work to 10 dollars a week like for pops or chips and lately it has been lasting me a few weeks. I just needed to vent and here is the best place where I dont have to actually vocalize the feelings.
Amy~ it is not mean spirited and I know that is the common sense thing. It would definetly not help at this time those little shits are expensive, just joking but I just dont want Kaylee to get to old and there be this absolutly huge age difference I mean she is already 7 but if I wait till she is older then I have a babysitter right? Debt is a huge issue and I wish we could just be out of it but its like as soon as we plan ahead and say hey we will have x amount of money left so we can ay off this bill some crap happens like my car and then there goes that idea but slowly and surely (wow I never typed that before) we will pay it off. It will just take time, a long time. :)
At 2:45 AM, I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll.
So, I am on this plane, right? The pilot gets on the PA, "Ladies and gentlemen, we will be flying a 35,000..." Yadda Yadda.
He gets off, but his mike is still on, so he turns to his co-pilot, and says "what I could really go for is a coffee and a blow job."
The flight attendant barrels to the front of the plane to tell the pilot he's still on the air, and the guy behind me says "hey honey, don't forget the coffee!".
Did that help? I hope your wednesday is better than your tuesday, and your thursday better still.
As far as the car is concerned, see if there is any way for high school students in automotive programs/electives can work on it. Usually, schools only require you to pay for the parts and some nominal equipment use fee, but they are not supposed to charge labor. They simply aren't allowed because the teaching already gets a paycheck AND the students aren't necessarily certified. I've had students at my school work on my car. The certified instructor inspected everything after students do a minor repair. Having my car fixed and inspected only cost me $2.23!!!
That could an inexpensive route in your situation. The students want the experience, and you need the work done.
You can also look into tuition reimbursment programs for nursing - since there is a shortage. Many places might be willing to offer you $ if you agree to sign a contract for a few years.
As far as money-saving techniques, I think Joe made quite a few great points. Follow them, if possible. It's amazing to see how much you can save over one month. Then the routine is a bit more solidified because you can see what you can live without.
Also, is there any way that Chuck can work from home? It may not be much in pay, but every little bit helps.
Scooter~ That joke was very funny thank you, it brightened my day and my day has been better since the post :)
Lish~ I didnt know about the school thing for my car that is a great idea thank you. THank you for the words of encouragement :) I work at Oakwood Annapolis and when I hired they offered me a 2,000 dollar reembersment the funny thing is when I switched to days from midnights way back in november they failed to tell me that I lost my bonus because I left the off shift. WHen I aksed about the money last week they told me. Funny thing is on my floor we are short on days and not the off shift. Now I really like the people I work with they are really good friends now and I would hate to leave to a different hospital and leave my friends, but I dunno I will just have to think about what to do.
Things will get better Paula. You guys are just going through a hard time. I know you are frusterated with a lot. My best advice is to try and manipulate yourself and these depressed feelings into something more positive. Put it in your head that if you don't like something: change it.
If your floor is depressing you, request a transfer to another floor.
If you want to get over the debt, take more steps to conserve money. Alternatively, you could start doing things like making sure you don't buy breakfast or lunch and have breakfast at home and bring your lunch.
If you do buy a pop or something, take the change and don't use it. Put it into a container for a vacation, into Kaylee's college fund, or a wedding fund.
Another thing to do is put the credit cards in a folder at home, and only allot yourself so much money for a month or a pay period. Don't allow yourself to use the debit card or a credit card unless it is absolutely neccessary... to say fix the smoking steering column, but not because you really want to get money to go out to lunch or whatever. They may be small steps or just really frusterating, but it all adds up.
I've been trying to get on a no-spending kick myself, so I totally understand where you are coming from on this. Yeah, I don't have as much debt as you do, but the principles are still the same.
As for not getting pregnant, Chuck played all his sperm cards. I've got a fresh deck. ;-) Just kidding. But it will happen when it's supposed to. Maybe the greater powers are waiting until you are more ready overall before giving that nudge to get you pregnant.
Bottom line: change your way of thinking. Turn the negative into positive. You'd be surprised how much it will help in all areas of life.
Man, I really sound like Bishop from "Waiting..."