Sunday, January 29, 2006
From todays Sunday news:
Thank you to all that helped me smile since my last post. Work was kinda comical today we had a patient that was petitioned (meaning that he is to go to a pysch hospital) dashed off, past the sitter, past the hospital staff, and down the stair well, out to the parking lot in a hospital gown and footies in the puddles and all. Security got him walked him back upstairs and now he is in restraints, in his bed, still with a sitter. Actually work these last two days has been pretty good.
My hubby let me come home and crash last night I almost slept for 12 hours. It felt so good. I think we are all a little run down. CHuck has been cleaning and cooking and Kaylee's had school. Well we now have the school social worker, pyschologist, her teachers, possibly her doctor and workign out a plan of sorts. It has come down to either she has some sort of attention deficite or she is bored with the work. Now see I hope she is just bored with the work 1 becuase then she is just smart and 2 it means that there isnt obviously a attention disorder. We are supposed to meet soon with the school. We had to fill out a survey at home that describes her behavior and yes we were honest so we will just have to wait and see.
Thank you to all that helped me smile since my last post. Work was kinda comical today we had a patient that was petitioned (meaning that he is to go to a pysch hospital) dashed off, past the sitter, past the hospital staff, and down the stair well, out to the parking lot in a hospital gown and footies in the puddles and all. Security got him walked him back upstairs and now he is in restraints, in his bed, still with a sitter. Actually work these last two days has been pretty good.
My hubby let me come home and crash last night I almost slept for 12 hours. It felt so good. I think we are all a little run down. CHuck has been cleaning and cooking and Kaylee's had school. Well we now have the school social worker, pyschologist, her teachers, possibly her doctor and workign out a plan of sorts. It has come down to either she has some sort of attention deficite or she is bored with the work. Now see I hope she is just bored with the work 1 becuase then she is just smart and 2 it means that there isnt obviously a attention disorder. We are supposed to meet soon with the school. We had to fill out a survey at home that describes her behavior and yes we were honest so we will just have to wait and see.
posted by Peaj at 4:24 PM |

Mandy is doing great! She is expecting her Daughter Ashley in a couple of weeks :o) She married a guy named Jacob who is in the Air Force and his time will be up in about a month. She is a realitor out in Arizona where she moved about 2 years ago with her mom. I miss her greatly but she is coming out to visit with the baby and Jake in June for a few weeks and will be spending a weekend with us the 17th and 18th. I am soooo geeked. I will post pictures as soon as I have some!
Well, if she does have Attention Deficit disorder, look into therapy and behavioral techniques before you try medication. I have a couple of siblings that are on meds, and if they aren't given their dose at precise times, ugh...
Yeah, meds might be an eventual possibility, but I would urge you to look at alternate ways of addressing the issue.
Of course, keep in mind that I am speaking from anecdotal observation, and I do not have any children of my own...