Sunday, January 22, 2006

Today I plain out lied to a friend or a person who used to be a really good friend. She called and said " Oh hey I am just leaving my parents house with the kids, was wondering if we could stop by". Well we were just sitting down to dinner so I told her that and she was like well ok we could still come over and I blurted out: "Kaylee is sick she has been throwing up and pooping and all". Well Kaylee was sick but she has been fine all weekend. I dont know maybe I'm still being stubborn about what she had Chuck drive her to a couple of months ago. Plus I really didnt want to deal with her non-disaplined ( ok I wrote that word like 3 times and I can not get it right)children. Do I feel bad? A little. Am I going to worry about it? No.
I wouldn't sweat it too much.