Me tonight, well, my parents came over. Which was nice because I haven't actually seen them in a few months. We had a nice dinner and played some cards, Kaylee watched a few movies and it went ok. Which is good because my mom and Chuck have this "we have completely different views and personalities" clash going on. But they handled themselves well. Kaylee has been sick though. Friday we were watching the Olympics Opening ceremony and Kaylee was sitting with me and I moved her bangs out of her eyes ( this drives me nuts and she refuses to do anything else with them except hang in her eyes) and her forehead was burning. So I tell Chuck to get the thermometer, I tell Kaylee to put it under her tongue and I am watching it 100~101~102~ it ends up at 104.6. My first instinct, which comes from work, is I tell Chuck to get me some bags of ice. Then it dawns on me that I can put her in the tub. So I run a room temp bath and she gets in. Now see when I was her age I ended up with double pneumonia and my mom put me in a room temp bath and I screamed and cried. My kid " Oh I love cold baths" is what she tells me. Which is great because with the bath plus the meds we have managed to keep her down and not any higher and 101. But my mother thinks "oh your a nurse, what is wrong with her?" Ok well lets see, she is 7, goes to school with other little kids that have no clue about proper hygiene in large groups. So I tell her that all I know is her throat is irritated, no spots, she says she has no pain anywhere so it is probably a viral infection. I must have sounded like I knew my shit because she dropped it after that. Thing is I was, and still am, worried out of my mind what is wrong with her. I had her sleep out in the living room so I could sleep by her and I am tonight as well. Not that I will have some sensor that tells me if she is spiking a temp, but I feel that if she needs me I will be right there. Plus I don't like her sleeping in her loft bed when she is sick. I am afraid one that she will be hurrying out of bed to get me or Chuck and she might fall. Plus if she has to barf and just wakes up to do it and it goes over and down from her loft bed....That is just not a mess I want to clean. Experience teaches well.
I am supposed to start twelve hour shifts in a few weeks. I am excited because that means only working 3 out of 7 days a week. Eights are nice but I just get to burned out working 5 days a week. Mostly when it is 5 in a row. Plus if Chuck gets a part time job we could alternate...Maybe. It is nice with him being home, but I think he needs to get out more often. Thank you to Joe and Rob you treated him to a night out and the next day I could tell that it did him good. The mood change was, well lets say wonderful 2 hours we have had in awhile. Didn't know you were marriage counselors huh?
I just got a great idea, I am going to do my laundry early tomorrow and slam the door each chance I get because the laundry room is right next to the partiers apartment, nah I will probably sleep in past them........

Oh yeah, HAPPY VALENTINES DAY to everyone!

Well we were almost in the car on our way but thankfully her temp came down she still has a temp today so she probably wil not go to school tomarrow. We watched like the last 3/4 of the ceremony we missed the beging. Did you get to see it? I thought it was well done, a little odd in representation at times but nicely done. My favorite was the dove areobatics. So when are they old enough to send to summer camp?
Yeah but outside views, as in not from a father, is the best advice sometimes. And yes the guy with the mohawk was definetly the weirdest. I liked the parade of all the olympians out to their seats but according to what I heard from Kwan's statement yesterday, it was cold and they had to sit there for four hours. Unfortently she has had to drop out:
Holy crap. If my kid had a temp of 104.6, I would be out of my mind, driving 85 in a 35 to the ER. Thankfully, I am not a dad, and you know your shit.
Did you get to see most of the ceremony? Just think, when Kaylee is old enough to go to summer camp, PARTY....