Sunday, February 12, 2006

This is my public apology. You left a post forever ago in May 2005 and I never read it till know when I was going back through my posts from boredom. Unfortunetly I do not have AIM and I do not know you email and I can not post on your site so here is my apology and thanks :)
posted by Peaj at 4:10 PM |

At 11:23 AM,
No problem. I don't do a lot of blog surfing, at least in the last few months. Hell, I haven't even looked at Steph's in the LONGEST time. But, its cool. You should be able to post on my site. But, if not here is my email.
Ok see now you are just messing with me cause your email link there doesnt work for me either! Is your blog the one listed on Joe's page your only site? Maybe I am missing something I will have to have Joe teach me the ways of the web! I guess I am a little retarted when it comes to most internet things.
I think he stopped reading because you never answered him... ;-)