Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Photo posts just seem so much easier! Abby wasn't sure what to do with the snow so she just stood and stared! Thanksgiving came and went without much incident. Me, chuck and my mother all came down with this horribly awful stomach bug. But it came and went in 48 hours. We got some really good deals on Black Friday and cyber monday . Kaylee is getting lots of books and games for her DS and Wii. Abby is getting little kid toys of course. Hung out with some awesome friends for my birthday. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Christmas is coming up way to fast so we should all hang on to our hats and not blink or we are going to miss it! I cant believe how fast this year is flying by!
posted by Peaj at 11:23 PM |


At 11:43 PM, Blogger Lish

It was so great to see you!