Thursday, September 01, 2005
So I really like ferrets and so does my family we have 7 of them. Well we go to the humanes society because they have two ferrets well they say that we are over our limit because we are only allowed to have three (per the city) well what a bummer ya know so we leave without the
ferrets. It is sad but oh well. Now we have to be all hush hush about the ones we do have. Anyway this picture is of Patch he is out deaf ferret. It is a little bit more difficult to train and entertain him but it is working out. My knee is not broke that is good but I sprained it really bad and I am on seated work only. Luckily my mananger worked things out and I get to do a butt load of chart reviews and paper work. Fun-o-Fun. But at least I am making money. Well as I hope my hubby has figured out I dont mind giving him bj's anymore. I used to hate it but I dont anymore. I wanted to apologize to someone the only one who reads my site. I didnt mean to tease you when you were here. I guess and I hope that my hubby reads this since I have an issue with direct talking. But I mean I like the way that I can make you react. The way I can make you draw your breath in. I dont excite my hubby that much anymore. I mean I dont ever take his breath away, not anymore. I need Ideas on what to do. Hubby you can leave annoymous messeages well I will know that they are you but still. Some ideas would be great. Ok well I dont know what else to write dont have much else. Well we went and saw the twins today. They are so cute. We bought them some high chairs today I know my hubby is a little miffed that we spent so much money. I wish we could adopt them. My cousin has not been home since July. I would love to have them. I am not having much luck trying for my own. Maybe I will stop trying and just have fun. I dunno I would give anything to be pregnant. I feel defective. Oh well see I guess I had some more. ALl right later peeps ~Peaj
posted by Peaj at 10:11 PM |


At 12:09 AM, Blogger Joe C

You didn't tease me. Well, maybe a little, but all in good fun. I'd like to think I made you react a little. Let me know if I did or not. Either way, I enjoy caressing your skin, and its a shame I only got to touch so little of it. ;-) Let me know when yr working and whatnot so I can plan better times to come over and see you both.