Monday, August 15, 2005

The last few days I have woken up and my face is completely swollen, it itches and my eyes burn. Oh and did I mention that I feel like I am breathing through a coffee stirrer for air? Well that is when I deside hey its probably and allergy so I take my allergy pill and it goes away but I comes back the next day. Well after two days of this and then some intense itching I decided to make a visit to my docs today. I will have to post what he says. Last week wed. night I was sleeping doing good, and then it felt like chuck punched me my face hurt soooooo bad. So then I got to thinking how would he be able to hit the side of my face that I am lying on? ( I am not saying he would have hit me intentionally but accidentaly in our sleep ) I look and there was a spider. Now of course when your tired and now in pain everything gets exaggerated but I swear theis thing was huge. I dont know, we will have to see what the doc thinks. Work is going well. I requested a day shift of course i got told there were none open. So then I made my schedule up for September how I want it and gave it to my manger. I asked for something along the lines of........ not that it has to be exactly what I have written down. That is about all that is new with me right now. I have that worked 12 hours and got 2 hours of sleep distgusted nausea feeling. ~~~Peaj
posted by Peaj at 11:56 AM |


At 12:47 PM, Blogger Joe C

You ask for a schedule along the lines of what?


At 12:54 AM, Blogger Peaj

along the lines of what I gave her. But she respinded to me that she had already made the schedule and she can not switch it now. Oh and the docotor think I am still reacting to the spider bite it has been a week and I am still puffy now my eyes have like a red circle around them that is all peeling looking. It is gross and the worse part I have to goto work like that. Oh well most old folk can not see well so I think it is ok.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Joe C

Yr just avoiding those pics. I know... ;-)

Hope the reaction stops soon.