Sunday, July 17, 2005

Feelings of lost
Well it is wierd how life is. Got a hold of a great friend and have plans to hang out but past old friends dont seem to hold. I miss you. You know who I am talking about. Chuck has been trying to get ahold of you to hang out. But oh well I am glad you have found other friends. They are probably better for you. My step father has been on my mind a lot. I miss him even if he had problems. I guess I am just dealling with all my pst losses mostly death. I had a patient in the hospital the other day I could tell by looking in his eyes he was ready to pass and he passed the next day. It is sad to have to watch someone pass and not be able to do a darn thing about it. And that brought back memories of everyone that has passed in my life. Then that leads to friends that I have lost. So yea this is me feeling down and posting about it. So you all just have to deal with it. Not that anyone reads my site but I like to think that they do. ~Peaj
If yr talking about me, I miss you too. I've just got a LOT on my plate right now, and I frankly can't deal. If Chuck wants to hang, he should call me. it's the only contact that gets a close to immediate reply.
I hope you stop focusing on losses and look at what you have and new stuff. You guys have been so happy (or so I gather) and that's a good thing. Dwell on that.
I've realized that I can't trust the past anymore. It's better to look at the now and the future. The past is the past. Life for what's worth living, because the past is already gone.
Much love.