Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Life as of now........
Well I am going on my third week of my new job. I now work at Oakwood Annapolis on a general medsurge floor. It is mostly all geriatric. I do not enjoy working with the elderly that much but I am finding that I really like this floor. My hours are going to switch in a little bit to afternoons which is 3pm to 11pm. No big there is talk about the whole unit switching to 3 twelves a week. That would be awesome to work 3 days and have 3-4 days off. Hvae lost contact with many close freinds again. It seems that everytime I have to adjust to a new routine my friends get pushed to the side for a while. Things will work out. Chuck put his two weeks notice in last friday, his last day of work will be July 8th. Kaylee needs the support of one of us home all the time with her instead of having her spend weeks and weeks at someone elses house with no consistency. And it just makes sense that he stay home since I make more money. NOt to say that I wish that I got to stay home with her but it is just how it is going to work out. We have gotten to do a lot these last few weeks. Above is Mak and Kaylee, we went to a circus. They had a blast. It cost a fortune but they liked it. We took Kaylee to the Spree this past weekend. I was so proud of Kaylee she went on so many rides. She isnt afraid anymore. Well hope all is going well with everyone. ~Peaj
Sounds like you had a good time.