Friday, July 29, 2005

Well my new job is wonderful I love it. Afternoon shift I hate. And on monday I start 12's working 7pm to 7 am. So I am not sure how that is going to go but you have to do what you have to do. Al this shift changing is messing my blood sugars up royally. But hopefull that too will soon level out. I feel so lost sometimes at work. Or I will be all caught up and done and on time and there goes a nurse running behind. I feel like I am always forgeting to do something. Today we had a patient code on our floor now our rooms are shoeboxes to begin with can you imagine a shoebox with 12 full grown persons in it? Yea pretty funny but not for the patient. She is I guess doing well they moved her to ICU. My manager seems to think that I am ready to come off orientaion but of course I am not sure about it but I guess I have to be on my own at some point. Ok well that is pretty much it for me right now. Later~Peaj
posted by Peaj at 12:05 AM |

(I posted this in my site's comments, but figured you'd catch it easier here...)
No. It's not true that all truth is spoken when intoxicated. At least, not when it's posts here. Sure, there's a grain of truth in everything, but usually I'm more honest if you talk to drunk me in person.
Such as, that night I watched you get hammered and you blacked out for like 5 min at a time, mid sentence...
Good luck. Make us proud.