Monday, August 29, 2005

So everyone give me a big ol' brovo. So I am in the shower with my hubby of course and we are switching places so he can get under the water. Now it is a regular shower but the guy who lived in our apartment before us had a bar installed on the wall. Well it makes it hard to manuver to switch and my dumb ass falls. I slip and fall out of the shower with the top half of me I never figured out what exactly i hit my arm on either the shelf or the toilet and I landed square on my knees in the tub. Oh my gosh I have never hurt that bad. I couldnt stand on my right leg at all my knee felt like it was going to pop. So my hubby decides a trip to the ER is in order. Now this is on Saturday I worked until 7 am slept till 2pm then fell. So I am thinking that there is no way that we were going to Annapolis hosp. were I work they are sooo slow and Botsford is right here. But I dont really like it their either. Well I was wrong Botsford has changed we were in and out of there in an hour and a half. But I find out that I definatly sprained my knee but it is too swollen to tell if I fractured it. It hurts, a lot. My other knee hurts too. But on my right I have to wear this brace makes things ackward. But I go to my doctor tomarrow to see what he says. Oh and my arm it hurts and looks awful. Ugh go me. I was supposed to work tonight but i called off there was no way i was going to hobble around on the unit and be expected to be 100% in an emergency. So that is my eventful weekend that i had. Nothing else is new. Talk to you later.
posted by Peaj at 10:55 PM |


At 9:41 AM, Blogger Joe C

Admit it. It was a too hard of a thrust during shower sex.

Yr a smooth operator.


At 3:07 PM, Blogger Joe C

Here. You might like this one.