Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You know what sucks about Christmas with a 10 year old and 1-1/2 year old???????? Not know what to get them. My 10 year old loves to read and play her DS ok so we got some books and games. But I really really want to surprise my 10 year old with something "fun" I just don't know what to get her. I was thinking a camera or video recorder you know the cheaper kid ones. I just want to get her something "special" This year she "knows" Santa isn't real so we lost that fun with her. The 1-1/2 year old really doesn't grasp the idea of Christmas so no fun there. And what do you really buy a 1-1/2 year old. She has he baby toys but she isn't quite to the "big kid" toys the 3 years and up so that leaves what? She so far has a pretend kitchen toy, figured she could grow into it. Oh and clothes cause she wont know or remember the difference right? Anyway hope everyone's holiday season is going well!
posted by Peaj at 7:31 PM |