Thursday, December 29, 2005

Well I had hoped that this cold/sinus infection/whatever the hell this is would be gone by now. I went to the doctor the other day and he gave me a prescription that is supposed to fight against strep/sinus infections/pneumonia and he told me well I think you have something viral but in a few days if it doesnt go away take this drug..... well lets see how about I just take it now because then if it is bacterial this will make it go away that much quicker and if it is viral then this wont interfere with its course. I can not stop coughing. At least it helps tone the abdominal muscles a bit lol but not enough for me to be happy that I am coughing. Ugn. I still went to work though, I really do not want to miss anymore work. But past that I heard through Joe that Steph and Skip are doing great and that is awesome. I dont think I could handle going through that. I am happy to know that this has past and now Steph can begin on her way to health once more (and hopefully no more trips to dialysis). Things are going pretty well here at home. Today me and Chuck took down all the christmas decorations. It looks so bare in here now and plus we have to figure out what to put back in the spot were the tree was. Tomarrow we are supposed to go pick up Kaylee from my moms. She got to go spend a few days out there during her last few days off from school. These last two days of work I have gotten to orientate a new RN. She graduated in May the same as me but this is her first job. A little odd orientating someone when you graduated the same time as her. But hey it is not that bad I get to unload 3-4 of my patients and ehlp her out with her questions. But it can end up being more work than expected mostly because they do not seem to have a lot of confidence in themselves on what they are doing. MIne actulaly came to ask me if she could take a corner of the fitted sheet on the bed off to straighten it out. mmmmm. That is ok though because it is an extra 2 dollars and hour. Yippee. Joe came over last night. What a great friend I mean I havent shaved my legs in forever due to 1- dry skin because of the cold and 2- because I have been so busy/sick but my great friend didnt mind rubbing my sore tired legs. Thank you Joe!
Glad you enjoyed the leg massage. LMK if you need another one.