Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well I went to a new endrocrinologist and new started me on lantus and humalog again. And we were talking about an insulin pump. So I come home and I call the number to find out my coverage well they cover 70% ok and that comes out to me oweing 1,500 dollars. Ok so I guess that that will not be happening in this life time. Not unless Chuck gets a job. And I do not see that happening. I go to days on monday. I work 7am till 3:30pm so hopefully I get home by 4pm, when kaylee gets home. It is going to be a hard switch but at least I do not work the weekend so I can get back on schedule. I am going to miss midnights. But on my days off I need to do more than sleep. I work Thanksgiving but I get paid double time and a half. Shit I would work every holiday. I mean if I am on days and I am home by 4. But on the other hand I would like to have at least one off. Butt how it is now I work thanksgiving, christmas eve, and new years eve and then next year I will work christmas day and new years day. and it switches back and forth like that. Not a bad deal and at double time and a half. Well that is about all that is new.
holiday pay rules.
At least you get to be on days. You will be around when I visit then...