Friday, December 16, 2005
Ok so I had today off, awesome, I spent most of the day baking. And oh my gosh at least I have learned to make extra cause at least half of it will not turn out good at all, or it might turn out tasting good but looking like trash but the second one coems out pretty good. Tomarrow is Kaylee's birthday and we are having family over for dinner so I made a cake well two the first one split in half and the icing (i used the pressured cans of icing for writing) didnt mix completely so it ran all over the icing of the cake but it tasted great for desert tonight! and the one I made for tomarrow came out ok we decorated it with littlest pet shop toys on top with lots of icing and sugar sprinkles she likes it, that is all that matters. Then I made two sugar free pudding pies, one buttershotch and one chocolate. Then I made pizza's for dinner. And I have a 13lb turkey in the fridge defrosting to be cooked on Monday, biscuts for sunday. Oh and then we made cookies last night for kaylee's school party today. The good thing about all this cooking is that the kitchen is clean top to bottom. I can not cook in a dirty kitchen so when I decide to cook or bake the kitchen gets a good scrub down. Not that chuck doesn't clean it at least once a week but since the kitchen is the main entry point of our apartment it gets a lot of traffic meaning a lot of dirt. So now I get to start my holiday work. These next couple of weeks are going to be very busy so no new posts besides this one are expected. I work sat 12/17/05 get home at 4pm then kaylees dinner is at 5pm I work sunday then have to meet everyone at chuck's sisters after work. I have monday off hoping to finish off christmas shopping. Then I work Teusday through to the 1st of January. And maybe the first too if I decide to volunteer for it. I am thincking about it because I am working christmas eve from 7am to 3pm then I volunteered to work christmas day from 3pm to 11pm and on both those days I will get paid double time and a half and if I work the first I will get double time and a half also. That check is tempting. When I work those christmas days just those two days I will be getting paid for 40 hours. 40hrs of pay for working two 8 hour shifts? Can not pass that up at all. So I apologize if it seems that I am not paying much attention to my online tasks but you all will be in my
thoughts!!!! Well I am glad to have had this snow even though it may have caused lots of problems but my daughter got to make a snowman with her daddy and it turned out awesome!!!!!

Yea that does stink if you had to work christmas just like any other day and not get a bonus for it. I am glad that you have the day off and I hope you enjoy it and have a good day :)