Saturday, December 03, 2005

Well I came home late wed. night, I have been mostly laying around not doing much. Still in a lot of pain with a lot of frustration. No clear answers why I am having this pain. They did an exploritory lap. and found a few things but none that would be causing my pain where it is possibly, I have to wait for the pain from this surgery to go away so that I can be sure if the other pain is gone or not. I am trying to move around as much as possible the pain meds help with that. But once they wear off I just hurt and usually it hurts before it is time for more pain meds. So thank you to all for you thoughts they mean a lot to me. And for now I am just left with frustration with my own feild. ~Peaj
Welcome home. I'm glad they found something and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to call. You know I'm here for ya babe.