Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New year to all (Chuck and Joe the only two that I think read my site!) hope every one had wonderful holidays! I have kinda made a deal with myself that I am going to stop feeling sorry for what I don't have. I really have a lot! My family, a job (hopefully a new one here in about a month), great friends. What else is there besides more money and we all will always need more money so I have decided to love and enjoy what I have. What I also have right now is ANOTHER awful cold/flu head so stuffed up it hurts to blink thing. I am so SICK of being SICK! I am hoping with the new job (if I get it) being a day job, will help me with controlling my diabetes better which in turn hopefully helps decrease all these colds/flus that I am getting. It has seriously been running since a month before thanksgiving 2 weeks sick 1 week better then 2 weeks sick again. I am just so done with it! Oh well one day at a time. Abby is growing up soooo fast these days. She still isnt talking much (we know she can she just talks in secret when she thinks we are not listening ) but she will in her own time. Kaylee is so smart I can not believe she is 10 already. It seems like yesteray we were all sitting around at Denny's drinking coffee and having great times. I miss those days sometimes. I miss the friendships and conversations late into the morning. Well thats my soap box for the day!
posted by Peaj at 7:47 PM |


At 9:52 AM, Blogger Joe C

Happy new year, Peaj!

I hope you feel better. Don't forget to take your vitamin D! I swear it helps! I blasted through the majority of my cold with two days of 8000IU of D. (16k in total)

I miss those old days too. I miss when you guys were living in Chuck's parents basement, and the Garden City days... and the second days... and maybe even the Garden City apartment days... I think. ;-)

Love ya, good luck with the interview, and everything else in life. Much love!