It is really time for an update but unfortunately I have nothing to post about. Me, Chuck and Kaylee and my parents have enjoyed Crosswinds Marsh http://www.waynecounty.com/parks/cwinds_park.htm
these last few weeks. We have taken long walks and tried to go canoeing but they were "closed" when we tried. Oh well there is an eagles nest that with binoculars you can make out and outline. And of course got a few good pictures of Kaylee

Anyway so for all the three at the most people that read this site Lets play like a truth or dare but without the dare or with the dare with pictures to prove it! Wanna try? Leave a truth or dare!

Chuck ok I dare you to hmmm call you brother and talk to him for more than 5 minutes. I dunno I can not think of anything.
Lish I think telling my that I didnt feel like playing with her then befoer she left the room telling chuck she needed a friend, i think I hurt her. I didnt mean to. I was tired adn cranky. I still feel really bad about it. Ok truth or dare?
Anger about someone else's assumptions of me and actions toward me in the past. I revisit the memories for conflict in my writing when I should really just let it all go and find new inspiration. The problem is, though, that daffodils and rock candy don't (usually) sell. Other than that, I have a several stuffed animals and pictures of the way we were when we all had no clue what it all meant.
Hmm well for AZ would be :
1) Better job oportunity for me
2) Chuck had a job offer
3) Mandy is a real estate lady so could assist to find a great deal on a house
4) Its new. I have always wanted to leave MI.
1) Its hot. (so I have been told)
2) I have never been there.
3) It would be moving Kaylee again.
For and Agianst:
1) No family
Chuck- Ok I dare you to take one whole day and devote it to kaylee and take lots of pictures so I can see. Go places do things together.
Joe _ If you could be with anyone in the world, no matter what status, race, popularity, who would you want to be with?
You know it can be between other people too like joe if you want to truth/dare chuck or vice versa too :o)
Kaylee's such a wonderful kid.