Kaylee had her principles breakfast today it is for students that have made good advances in school. I was so proud of her. Tommarow is her last day of school. She is so excited. They sent home a summer pack, there is a sheet of work for each day of school and then they turn it in when school starts again. So hopefully she will get it done this summer. Kinda wierd I dont remember public schools sending home so much work. Oh well it will do her good.
Brendans wedding is this saturday. I can not wait to go. I am so happy for them I will post a couple of pictures next week. Kaylee is excited too she got a new dress to wear, we found it at target on the clearnace rack for 3 bucks! It is awesome, you will see it next week when I post it.
Just a question to put out there:
What sexual activity do you like the most and hate the most?
I like fondling the most and wrestling, unfortunetly I hate BJ's the most. I can not figure out why. I feel bad I mean I just dont like giving them. Maybe I need to see someone about it. Anyone else not like giving them? Or am I just a messed up non-BJ giving girl? Anyone have anytips about starting to get over my dislike?

Um, I like it all.
My first few bj's I was pretty uncomfortable, but after you get used to it, it's very much about making him happy. And who wouldn't want to make their partner happy? At first it was obligatory. "You get what you give." Now, I enjoy it.
As long as it doesn't take an hour, and leave me with jawlock.
Peaj -
What are you wearing to Bren's wedding? I am completely undecided. I have gone through my entire wardrobe and everything seems to be too dark (I wear lots of black, despite being a relatively bubbly teacher). The temp is supposed to be in the mid-nineties and I cannot figure out if I should wear something flowery as it is an outdoor reception(all that I have makes me look like an old woman), or if I should wear something solid-colored. Should I go the formal route? I will probably buy something new today, and I need some guidelines as to what's in, as far as dresses.
I haven't been to anything fancy in a while, and I feel so ridiculous. I am definitely not a fashion person. Help me!
I wasnt sure exactly what to wear either, I believe that I will either be wearing a white skirt with a pink top (both solid) or a pink skirt and solid colored top. I am wearing causual, nothing to fancy it is outdoors and it is going to be mid 90's like you said so all breathable for me lol. I am not quite sure if that is how everyone will be but I will def. be comforatable! :) Cant wait to see you!
At 10:08 AM,
Give Brendan and Amanda my best. They are a great match. As for the head thing, I don't have a problem dropping on the ladies. I love doing that.