I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, or maybe there is nothing wrong I don't know. As my friend at work says it is the mid 20's crisis. I don't know what I want to do with my life, well I mean from this point on. Okay with work I don't know if I should stay where I am and stay comfortable with that or do I want to get my masters in a field or even less than that go to a different floor, a different hospital? I just do not want to end up like some of the older nurses on my floor that are old and bitter and all they want to do is complain. But I like my floor, I like the people I work with , I like the patients. Ok well not all the patients, especially some families. Ok so here is a story from work of course names are omitted or changed because of the hippa law. This patient she is fairly young 50-60's. She came in with difficulty breathing and was found to have lung masses. Now this is bad news to hear so the entire and I mean entire family of like 45 people had to come and stay with her. Now at first this was wonderful for her to be surrounded by all those that you love and they love you but at a point enough is enough. When I had this patient she was to have a CT scan with contrast meaning that she has to drink this nasty contrast and then when she goes down they but a separate contrast through her IV. Well that morning I brought in her drinkable contrast and she had some other medication that I had to put through her IV. Everything went fine. They came to take her down for the test and about an hour later I get a call, her IV is no good, could I come down to restart it. Now it is well known that the IVs will always go bad when you send them to our CT area, it is just the curse of where I work. So I ask why no one down there can restart it, the response is it is Saturday and there are no nurses down there to try. This women is really hard to get an IV on. One she has no veins two she is so ridiculous that she will only let you try in a few spots. So I tell them to send her back up. Well now the family is pissed because she had to drink "that nasty stuff". Fine whatever that stuff is still in your body 6 hours later so I have 6 hours to try and get an IV. So I try, no luck, 3 other nurses on the floor try, no luck, I call anethesia up, no luck, I have 3 ER techs and the ER supervisor (come up, can you guess?) no luck. So this is frustrating the hell out of the family they ask Who's ever heard of a patient in the hospital with no IV access and how come I, yes you read that right I not us, me soley me, can not get an IV and this is all my fault. Now I called the doctor and she said that if no luck with the IV get a picc line I tell her it is the weekend and they do not place picc lines on the weekend how about a central line? The doc says no I argue the case again she still says no she wants a picc line. Fine I tell the family what the doctor says and again I get yelled at for how incompetent I am. At this point I am done I go to the charge nurse tell her what is going on and tell her that I will not go back in that room and that tomorrow I will not take that set. Well the charge nurse works 7-7 where I work 3-3 so she picks my set up after me hoping to smooth things over with the family. Well she calls the doctor and tells the doctor everything that is gong on and says a couple of things and somehow gets a order for a central line. Awesome I know the family is pissed at me but I am still happy that this women can have the test done. So the charge nurse works her butt off to get the surgeon to come up and put in a central line and it is all good where she can go down for the test without having to drink more of the contrast and the dumb brat refuses to go for the test.

On a different note we have a crazy person that keeps coming up to our floor and pretending to be a volunteer or an aide and tries to work on our floor. Within the last month we have had to have security come get her three times. Crazy people.
Ok off my rant back to my mid-twenties crisis. I have Kaylee I love my Kaylee. My Kaylee is the most beautiful, individualized child. But I don't want her to be the only child. Not much more I can do about this right now, all we can do is try. Then I want a dog, my whole life I have had dogs and I have had to get rid of them for this stupid place no they are allowing dogs but only 20-25 pounds. Bella the dog my mother has is too big :( But We have been looking into these:

If you need anything, just let me know.
I am also experiencing the mid-twenties crisis. Work sucks, no expendible income, personal relationships keep traveling on the roller coaster of emotions, I am finally speaking to my parents again (we did nothing but argue for the last few years), and my own personal goals seem to keep shifting/getting lost (grad school being one of them - I am aiming for this fall or next Jan, but part time only).
In regard to your work story, I experience similar behavior when I teach. The kids aren't be problem. Neither are the other instructors (most of the time). A lot of the family members (parents) must have had some negative experiences in high school because they verbally attack and threaten the teachers. They forget that we are professionals - that we are trained to handle situations in certain ways (to comply with laws and regulations at the state and national levels, the same as any other profession!).
Personal responsibility is no longer taught at home and a broad basis...and the same thing goes for patience, understanding AND RESPECT.
At 5:56 PM,
You know I am here for you through the thick and thin, now I cant make the decisions for you I will help you throw them,