Saturday, June 03, 2006
This has been a great week off. While Kaylee was at school me and Chuck spent most of our time playing Super Mario Sunshine. A very addictive game. It started out I had my own game and he had his then we kinda merged and just took turns playing one game. With my awesome wall jumping skills and his strategy we are almost finished with the game. Plus we know where 3 life one ups are so we have like 57 lives.
Kaylee was supposed to have a field trip to the zoo this last Friday and that got bumped to Thursday because she had field day. So I chaperoned, I showed up on Thursday and they are like oh it is next Thursday, the 8th. Now our new sheet had said the 1st. So I feel like a complete idiot. And now that it is next Thursday I will not be able to go because I work that day.
Do you remember field day? I do I hated it. I hated racing, I was so tall and skinny that I didn't go very fast or far. I usually fell within 5 steps. Kaylee said she had fun though which is good. She said she hated the races, and the potato bag race, but loved the water balloon fight and tug of war. Wait a minute why didn't we ever get to do a water balloon fight? I think the schools have just made it into a more fun day than field day. I remember having to run five laps and do an obstacle course and sprint race, and jump rope and it was all very serious you had these little score cards and then there was ribbons, very competitive. I am glad that Kaylees wasn't that competitive because she gets her feelings hurt very easy. The night before I was telling her, don't worry if something is too hard just do your best to finish. Trying to be a good mom and all, and when she got home she was like "well I didn't win any races" I said "that's ok Hun, you tried and that is all that matters" then she said " I know I know but you should have seen me at tug o war!!". I was so proud of her. She really amazes me.
Yesterday we were playing catch with a fiber filed soft ball sized ball. Yes she missed a few catches but she has the best aim of a 7 year old. I tired to teach her how to throw right, meaning not to just stand there and only move her arms.
Hopefully we will get to go swimming today. We bought some pool toys for her to play with. She is getting better each time with swimming. She can make it from edge to edge.
Okay I will stop bragging now about my daughter I will just say she is GREAT!! Our crazy neighbor knocked on our door the other night. Ugh she wants us to watch her animals, which she has been telling us for a long time. She has one dog that she says must stay with us, not crated, ok he weighs like 10 pounds. Then she has 3 cats, two birds, and fish. But she says that she will pay us 200 dollars. That will be nice. Not that I want her dog over here but Jasper is not that bad.
Okay I don't have much of anything to write so,.. Later ~Peaj
Kaylee was supposed to have a field trip to the zoo this last Friday and that got bumped to Thursday because she had field day. So I chaperoned, I showed up on Thursday and they are like oh it is next Thursday, the 8th. Now our new sheet had said the 1st. So I feel like a complete idiot. And now that it is next Thursday I will not be able to go because I work that day.
Do you remember field day? I do I hated it. I hated racing, I was so tall and skinny that I didn't go very fast or far. I usually fell within 5 steps. Kaylee said she had fun though which is good. She said she hated the races, and the potato bag race, but loved the water balloon fight and tug of war. Wait a minute why didn't we ever get to do a water balloon fight? I think the schools have just made it into a more fun day than field day. I remember having to run five laps and do an obstacle course and sprint race, and jump rope and it was all very serious you had these little score cards and then there was ribbons, very competitive. I am glad that Kaylees wasn't that competitive because she gets her feelings hurt very easy. The night before I was telling her, don't worry if something is too hard just do your best to finish. Trying to be a good mom and all, and when she got home she was like "well I didn't win any races" I said "that's ok Hun, you tried and that is all that matters" then she said " I know I know but you should have seen me at tug o war!!". I was so proud of her. She really amazes me.
Yesterday we were playing catch with a fiber filed soft ball sized ball. Yes she missed a few catches but she has the best aim of a 7 year old. I tired to teach her how to throw right, meaning not to just stand there and only move her arms.
Hopefully we will get to go swimming today. We bought some pool toys for her to play with. She is getting better each time with swimming. She can make it from edge to edge.
Okay I will stop bragging now about my daughter I will just say she is GREAT!! Our crazy neighbor knocked on our door the other night. Ugh she wants us to watch her animals, which she has been telling us for a long time. She has one dog that she says must stay with us, not crated, ok he weighs like 10 pounds. Then she has 3 cats, two birds, and fish. But she says that she will pay us 200 dollars. That will be nice. Not that I want her dog over here but Jasper is not that bad.
Okay I don't have much of anything to write so,.. Later ~Peaj
posted by Peaj at 9:57 AM |

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Your daughter sounds too cute!