Saturday, September 17, 2005

Well our daughter decided to do kung fu agian this year it is 12 weeks long only on saturdays and it cost 92 dollars. NOt to bad. Got a call from Mandy today and she tells me she is here in town!! Awesome and she wants to hang out cool, but we were going to that ferret thing no big deal she goes with us, it was a cool event a little crowded but fun. Badger our big boy almost won the tube race he one the first set then in the finals he flipped out it was too loud for him to many people and wouldnt go throught the tube again. It was cute. Then we brought the ferrets home and Mandy took us out to Papa Vinos, oh my god, I stuffed myself it was sooooooo good. Now I am sick not feeling the greatest cause I ate to much but oh well I havent thrown up yet so the food has not been wasted. I am so happy that she is here I missed her so much. It is amazing how it feels when your best friend comes home. I will be sad when she leaves but that just means that me and chuck will have to plan a family trip out to arizona. She is pregnant, she is soooo cute. Plus if we go out to arizona next summer the baby will be here and then we can see it. She is not planning on finding out what it is because Jake has been called to duty so he would not be there to find out the sex of the baby so it will be a surprise. I am so excited for her. Yes a little jealous I want to have a baby so bad I mean I know that I said I wasnt going to "try " anymore but I always hope and then i get that hope smashed but I can still be happy for Mandy. Ugh so tired, belly full. LOL. Anyway me and chuck are addicted to this game Aniamal crossing we make it kind of a challenge for each other lol but then we also give each other things lol. So anyway you can fish in this game there are 40 different types of fish to catch and I stroll over to his town and i am walking by the river and there is this huge silloute so I catch it! It is this absolute HUGE fish lol (It was thiss Big!) and he is all "you came and stole my big fish...." lol well that is what he gets lol he hounds me that I dont let him play enough. LOL. Anyway I am looking for a tattoo to get that is about Kaylee. I was thinking this fairy that is super cute but I showed it to Kaylee and she says it looks sad. Then since she was born in December I was htinking something to do with snow. I dont know I just want to get something that "portrays" her and I think I would like her name incorporated into it. Anyway if anyone has any ideas please feel free to leave a message!!! Later~Peaj
posted by Peaj at 10:33 PM |


At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

hey baby wanna wrestle? ha ha


At 11:14 AM, Blogger Joe C

Peaj, it will happen when it is time. In a way, it may be a good thing it's not happening now. There would be no place for a new baby. You would have to move again to have the space, and I know there are reasons why that wouldn't work. Have faith and I'm sure it will happen at the right time.